Toni Eilers is a contemporary figurative painter, born and raised in Northern Germany. Her paintings incorporate several layers, showing a juxtaposition of themes that highlight “silver linings” unveiled to the viewer via a subtle twist. She brings unconventional themes together to create compositions in tune with the nature around her. Toni draws her inspiration from personal experiences and special moments captured from her surrounding environment.
Originally, Toni started her education in design, always painting alongside her degree and her passion for fine art is now her main focus.
She has featured in various successful exhibitions in both Berlin and Hamburg.
" Toni Eilers is a real natural. Had she been living a hundred years ago she‘d probably have painted the exakt Same way. The overwhelming quality of Toni‘s work is the depiction of a world we seen to know but have never seen. Until Toni painted it. "
Otto Alexander Jahrreiss